Sunday, October 21, 2007


It took a timely sms from KC to remind me that i've somewhat neglected Kopitiam. Am i glad that there're actually new posts from the last time i checked.
It's all about the choices we make isn't it? I don't know about the future, but for now we're steering clear of FDWs. Time and time again, we see kids running to their "aunties" instead of parents in times of need. Will we feel anything if that happens to us? And if we have someone employed to specifically look after the needs of our son round the clock, how do we still teach him self-reliance and independence? I saw a couple went through the emotional and physical turmoil of dealing with the problems their first 4 FDWs brought. All that effort could have gone into doing the things they wanted the FDW to do in the first place. So it's about the choice we make. The reality is that there's no such thing as a free-size T-shirt (it is of a certain fixed size!).
And i applaud Yeek/PP and Suuwei/Serene for having the courage and vision to choose the paths less travelled, the paths that you believe in. I'm still choosing.
So for us, part-time cleaners is the way to go for now... perhaps until i completely run out of time even to read new blog entries and poke friends on facebook.
Last but not least a few current pictures of Kieran, as requested by KC. As with all of your kids too i'm sure, he's quite a hard nut to crack at times but a mega bunch of joy as well.


eiklin said...

your post regarding FDWs reminds me of what i am doing now: managing vendors. in short, more time is spent managing the vendors and correcting issues that need not have existed.

the only benefit (other than time-saving and lowered costs, rightfully) to outsource i can see is if one feel that doing the work is less desirable than managing the person doing the work.

so do you desire managing FDWs more than managing your kid? i guess most will choose the middle-path, that is to manage the FDWs to take care of the household-related work, but spend personal time managing the strategic issue: the kid.

by the way last saturday while attending a church wedding i saw this mother reprimanding the maid: "how come you never tell me you did not bring the shoe (for the child)?? now then you tell me??" it triggered a thought in me that the mother should be thankful to god (can be taken literally, ha! but no offence to christians!) if the maid had a personal interest (other than just career interest) in the child's well-being. i would be thankful as well if my vendors had a personal interest in the organisation's well-being.

Anonymous said...

how come you post old photos of yourself?

eiklin said...

gosh, din know there existed colour pictures back then.

qw said...

Haha! Most pple we've come across couldn't decide if he looked more like daddy or mummy. Thanks for your vote of confidence, I do see some resemblence with the real B&W pics back then.