Monday, April 21, 2008

Wah, they are really very on...

Do we still enjoy performing mass dance? :P
Cheering? :D
Organizing/coordinating events? :D
Carrying furniture and canvassing and reading out morning announcements? :D
Running for elections? :D

Anyways, received another email from the organizers:


From: "Council Reunion 2008"

Dear Friends

Thank you for your continued support towards the council reunion! As the date draws nearer, my team and I are excited, yet at the same time anxious, for the success of the event! As such, we have specially selected you to act as a batch representative to liaise with every batch, and hope that you are agreeable to it. Should you like to nominate another of your batchmates to take on this role, then do drop us an email to let us know.

Right now, we earnestly seek your help in contacting former council teachers and inviting them to the reunion. It would be great if you could invite them along, and at the same time email us their names and contact details so that we can add them to our contact list and keep them informed about the event.

We are currently encountering major difficulty in getting in touch with former teachers, so we're counting on you. Please do spare us 5 minutes of your time to reply this email with these contacts! The presence of teachers will certainly make a huge difference to the success of the reunion, so your help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you so much, and looking forward to meeting you at the reunion!

32nd HCSC
Council Reunion Committee


ps: Any volunteers? :P Anybody still in touch with the teachers? :P :D

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