Friday, March 23, 2007

Those Good Ol'Days...

I was at a student council investiture ceremony for Sec Sch kids this morning and it sure brought back memories of our own SC investiture 16 years ago!!! I still remembered the "gong" effect before our entrance, the 'Top Gun' soundtrack that we used for our entrance, our pledge and of course, our council song... was it something like "在黄城,我们亲如一体,
为了共同的目票,一起前进。。。" does anyone have power memory and can remember the lyrics of our council song?

Well, those group of elite students on stage were beaming with confidence and pride ...made me wonder if we looked as smart and as confident as them then. Their slideshow also almost made me tear... some of the photos they took were similar to those we posed for during those good ol'days! Group photos shot in the backdrop of the beach, under the void deck, in the rain, having fun. But one thing they can't beat us - posing for a picture along ECP! Sometimes i shudder thinking how lucky i am to be able to pass my A levels, coz I really spent quite a lot of time indulging in the SC activities!

Sorry, pardon me for being nostalgic today but my mind is filled with images of those crazy days! Like our speedy gonzales dance, Yiqiang's 莲花掌, our volleyball matches, our 艺术照s almost everywhere (remember the ones we took in the room stacked with tables/chairs?), climbing over the gates at the Bt Batok campus after our 'tao pok, chye bueh' meals, the hawker who goes round touting 'you want to chicken rice', our climbing of the cliff/'mountain' behind Bt Gombak MRT and leaving behind all those cheesy "到此一游" messages and so much more!

I wonder if the kids these days do all these funny things that their 前辈 did...


michael said...

Hmmm, talking about that climb of the cliff/mountain behind Bukit Gombak, the most distinct memory I have of that event was when we were all prowling in a single file through this trail that was overgrown with wild lallang on either side...then suddenly somebody (either Meizhu or Ailing?) shrieked, and dashed away like the speedy Road Runner. The rest of us, who were momentarily tranquilized by the shriek, were left frozen like a group of fossils infront of a big black cobra, staring at us with its shoulders (for want of a better word) wide opened in a V-shape, swaying from side to side somemore.

Then, at the peak of this nerve-wracking tension between Man and Serpent, Wai Keong actually whistled the famous ali-babaesque tune of snake-charming! And while my mind was struggling to make a decision whether to laugh or to cry, Zhixiong's hiking stick made a deadly strike at our swaying buddy - destroying it in the twinkling of an eye! To wrap up his act, our hero stylishly hooked the carcass on his stick and swung it away like a hand grenade.

After that, we all doubled up ourselves out of the woods in fear of its vengeful mother...that was one funny moment.

eiklin said...

for those feeling nostalgic.. bonus if your spouse is a fellow hwachongnian - can dance/sing together.. even better if you have guitar lah haha..

one complaint that i have - where is "the twist"?? my 2nd favourite, after "electric dreams" ok..

qw said...

Nice. We should suggest an alumni section.