Friday, November 24, 2006

Weiqiang, my doctor...

Hi everyone... greetings from New York. btw, thanks for setting up this blog, KC....

Well, i bet the past week has been really sad for everyone. I learnt about weiqiang's passing from media reports on Monday. It all started with a leisurely craving for Singapore news when reports of recent incidences of sudden deaths caught my attention. Then i saw "Toh Wai Keong" and "Sengkang". As there was no pictures of him, i could only hope that it was not the weiqiang we knew (afterall, they got his dialect name wrong), and it was also too early to call anyone to check. But the fact that the clinic was in Sengkang and how the doctor was so well-loved by his patients, i knew it had to be him. Coz i was one of his patients too. And he was a wonderful doctor.

The news about his passing just seems so surreal... I last visited him in Sep to get a flu jab before i left for NY. I dashed into his clinic about 15 mins before closing shamefully (you know how Singaporeans like to do things last minute lah...) and asked the nurse if i could see Dr Toh. He obliged. As he would always do. In between the medical consultation, we indulged in some casual banter. I asked him where he would relax in between consultations and was surprised to hear that he was running another clinic during that time. I told him that he should try to relax a little but he said he could not get away coz of his patients. I guess it's a no-brainer why his departure had been so devastating to his patients, me included.

I just hope his family is taking it ok. btw, thanks for starting the memorial fund.

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